Generate SEO Optimized Content with Nichesss +


Using PAID tools:

  1. Find the target keyword in SEMrush/Ahrefs
  2. Create a new document in Frase (Create new content)
  3. View headers of top results (Top Results / Overview)
  4. Open “Blog Post Intro” (Nichesss / Blogs)
  5. Paste the initial query into “What the blog is about”
  6. Paste the initial query into “Title of the post”
  7. Complete fields and generate
  8. Click the “Add More…” button
  9. Replace the initial query with a header
  10. Generate copy
  11. Repeat steps 08-10 with headers, questions, etc.
  12. Copy + Paste all generated copy with headers into Frase “My Content” section
  13. Optimize using Topic Score / Top Topics || Topic Clusters

Using FREE tools:

  1. Find the target keyword in free tools (LSI Graph, Wordtracker, Keyword Planner, Answer the Public, Keyword Surfer + Google)
  2. Check SERPs for top results
  3. Open top 3 in new tabs
  4. Use free extensions to find headers from each tab (SEO Quake, Detailed SEO Extension, SEO Meta in 1 Click)
  5. Open “Blog Post Intro” (Nichesss / Blogs)
  6. Paste the initial query into “What the blog is about”
  7. Paste the initial query into “Title of the post”
  8. Complete fields and generate
  9. Click the “Add More…” button
  10. Replace the initial query with a header
  11. Generate copy
  12. Repeat steps 09-11 with headers, questions, etc.
  13. Optimize with SEO Quake / Keyword Density && Word Count

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