5 Essential Vlogging Tips

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It’s 2021 and nearly everybody is using the internet. So when you have something to share or sell- what better way than to vlog?

Vlog, according to Google, is a personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos. Here are our five essential vlogging tips that will help you to elevate your vlog and climb up the completion ladder.

Be Unexpected

The human brain is trained to see patterns in everything, this also goes for vlogging. People tend to do and say the same sort of things while doing their vlog, so be unexpected and grab your watchers attention. It doesn’t have to be something spectacular like doing it underwater or on the moon, it could be telling them a strange fact or a funny story, anything that will grab their attention away from other peoples vlogs!

Be Authentic

Make sure to show your true self, not a character (unless this is what you are wanting to do), because people pick up very quickly whether someone is being authentic or not and the last thing you want to do is make people feel you aren’t being real. By showing your true self you will earn trust and in turn followers and viewers. Make sure you establish yourself as the authority too- this doesn’t mean be bossy, you don’t want people taking over a vlog that you are making. Just nicely let people know you’re the boss and a confident one at that!

Be Interesting

Vlogging to an audience and keeping that audience is hard work! It can be difficult to find content, but the most important thing is- you have to keep it interesting! Even if you have to shorten your video, if you want people coming back for more they have to stay interested, some ideas could be:

  • Humour
  • Travel
  • Life failure or successes
  • Challenges and dares
  • Product testing
  • Tutorials

All of the above do great with views, check out other vlogs to get some ideas.


You don’t have to compete with other bloggers all the time. Try collaborating! It can be beneficial for both of you, since the follower traffic is directed back and forth between both channels. Collaborating builds trust among your viewers because it shows that you care about your topic, you trust in the quality of your content and you are not afraid that your followers might choose to run off to another vlogger.

Collaborating might also help you to climb up the Youtube ladder, you will also get to know more people from vlogger community, which is also helpful in the long run. So don’t be afraid to reach out and offer collaboration to other vlogging community members! 


The Intro and Outro

According to recent studies 1/5 of viewers click away from videos within 10 seconds of watching them. This is how important it is that your intro is captivating. You could show previews of the upcoming video, a catchy tune anything that you think would be interesting. An outro is just as important if you want your viewers to look forward to your next vlog. If you are stuck you can use websites such as this one to help you create an intro and outro.

You have to keep it simple, be unexpected, specific, make credible statements, appeal to emotions, look for feedback, and go the extra mile if you want to be a great vlogger. That is a lot of hard work! So take it one step at a time and you will succeed!

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