Beating Writer’s Block: A Cure for the Blogging Blues

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We’ve all been there. You stare at an empty screen wondering what to write and nothing comes out. If you know this feeling, then you’ll know writer’s block. Whether you’re blogging or trying to write your magnum opus, you’ll need the words to flow without the need to stop and scratch your head every two minutes.

Fear not! There are plenty of great ways that you can overcome writer’s block. Using these techniques, you’ll be able to get a digital pen to paper again in no time. So, what are the best techniques for beating the blogger blues?

In this article, we’ll look at some tried and tested cures for the worst ailment a writer can face, the dreaded writer’s block.

What Is Writer’s Block?

Before we rush to cure writer’s block, we should first take a look at what it is and what causes it.

Writer’s block is a common problem that affects all writers at some point. It manifests as a mental block that prevents you from getting anything written. Often, writer’s block stems from being too overly critical of yourself.

It could also come from a lack of motivation. If you’re not inspired to write, then nothing is going to flow.

Luckily, writer’s block can be cured. Everyone is different, so if you don’t find success with one technique, be sure to keep on trying.

Beat Writer’s Block Using Apps

There are a wealth of great pieces of software out there to help you overcome your mental blockages. will throw prompts at you that will inspire you to write. You’ll then need to write on that topic for as long as possible without stopping. Another great prompt app is Brain Sparker.

This type of app is great if you just want to get writing, but don’t need to write on a specific topic. Often, though just exercising the part of your brain that’s responsible for creative thought and writing can help shake off the block.

Sometimes, finding the right words to say is the problem. Maybe you’re struggling to say something in a new and exciting way and that’s what’s causing the blockage. Spice Mobile helps you out with new words and phrases so that you can stop repeating yourself.

Use Writer’s Prompts

One of the worst things about being connected to the internet when you’re trying to write is the temptation for procrastination. With the world at your fingertips, you could go anywhere and do anything- anything but writing that is!

But the great thing about being online when you’re writing is that you’re only a few clicks from some great writer’s prompts. The internet is bursting with little nuggets of inspiration. Writer’s Digest is an example of a site that shares writer’s prompts often.

Again, these will engage the right-hand side of your brain which is associated with writing.

Go for a Walk

If you’re trying to force it and the words are still not forming on the page, take a break. Go out for a walk. Taking some time in the great outdoors might be all that you need to do to clear your mind.

Walking also helps create endorphins. These help to fight stress and make you feel a lot more relaxed. This will put you in a better frame of mind when you head back to your desk.

Don’t Edit Anything Until You Reach the End

While spelling and grammar are important, you can always wait until the end to pick up on any mistakes you’ve made.

If you don’t already use it, try using a tool such as Grammarly while creating your content. This will highlight any grammatical errors in your text so you don’t have to worry about them.

If you’re always concerned about the readability of your text, use Hemmingway after you’ve finished your document.

Stopping and checking errors as you go can really hamper your creativity and flow. Save all of your editing for the end and you’ll be surprised how much more productive you become.

Writing uses the right-hand side of your brain, whereas editing requires you to use the analytical left-hand side. Switching between the two sides of your brain can be challenging, especially if you’re doing it repeatedly.

Many writers will tell you to write from the heart and rewrite from the head. It’s important that you always separate your writing and editing processes.

Just Write

It may sound like strange advice, but often the easiest way of fighting off writer’s block is to just write. Write anything. It doesn’t even have to be great, but just engaging your brain and writing will mean that you’ll have more than just an empty page to show for your time sitting at the desk.

Go back over what you’ve written at the end and use anything that reads well as a starting point for something else.

Sleep on It

If you’ve managed to write something that you’re really not sure of, try sleeping on it. Don’t edit it straight after you’ve written it. You’ll probably be overly critical. Instead, come back to it the next day with a fresh pair of eyes.

Use Bullet Points as a Jumping Off Point

If you’re not sure where to go with a piece that you’re writing, start off by filling up your page with some bullet points. Before you know it you’ll have a natural framework that you can start from. Then, slowly start building around this framework and craft your article.

Create a Routine

If you want to be a great writer or blogger, you need to have a routine. That means writing at a set time, no matter what. Set yourself a writing target. For example, you might want to aim to write 500 words in an hour.

The more writing becomes a habit, the easier it will become.

Beating the Blogging Blues

As discussed, there are lots of great cures for writer’s block. Try them all. Take what works for you, and then leave the rest.

Check out the rest of the site for more great articles.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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