How to Write Newsletters People Will Actually Read: 5 Useful Tips

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Newsletters are printed or online reports people can choose to subscribe to. They provide all the up to date information about the company’s products or services.

How to write newsletters for your company that people actually read, as opposed to just throwing them into the spam folder and never seeing them again? Here are 5 useful tips to try.

Is That an Offer!?

Newsletters are a bit like TV commercials, nobody enjoys sitting and watching them and very few find adverts interesting. So, what would make people’s attention be drawn to your newsletter? Offers! Everybody loves a good offer, producing a different offer each week will certainly make people want to come back for more.

Look at Me!!

That heading grabbed your attention didn’t it! That’s exactly what you need to do with your newsletter. It needs to grab the readers focus there and then, not later when they have forgotten all about it. Having a poor heading will make your newsletter get lost among the hundreds of other newsletters and emails your reader has probably received.

A good title will use power words or critical keywords. Questions also make good titles if you are writing a piece where people are likely to have their own views. Try to make your title between 3 and 15 words long, this gives enough description without giving the piece away. So, if you want it to be read, then make the title good!

Your Audience Matters

When writing a newsletter, carefully think about who it is aimed at. Middle-aged people probably don’t want lots of cartoon-style pictures, whereas a younger audience won’t want to be rammed with words. Making your newsletter appealing to the audience is probably the most important tip. Always think about the reader!

Keeping it Simple

Simply outlining paragraphs and making them short and to the point will be much more successful than a long drawn out piece. Nobody wants to read a thousand words to get an answer to a question they may have had. It is easy for the audience to get bored and frustrated if there is too much information or you try and make yourself look like you have eaten a thesaurus. Short and simple is the key.


Make sure your newsletter comes out at the same time every week, month or whatever time scale you choose. Being consistent is a really important key to keeping your audience coming back for more. If a reader forgets about your last newsletter, they are unlikely to read your next, somewhere between once a week and once a month would be a good time frame.

Overall, newsletters can be jam-packed with information and pictures, but still be a good read if done correctly. Using simple to read terms and being informative, but not patronizing will make for the best pieces.

Hope you got some inspiration on how to write newsletters! Good luck! For more great articles, check out the rest of the site.

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